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Cultural Competency Modules

Below is a list of Cultural Competence Topics
Every module can be customized to meet the unique needs of your organization

If you are interested in setting up a presentation for your organization, contact

Cultural Awareness – Culture versus Personality

Cultural Awareness – Visible and Invisible Cultural Aspects

Levels of Cultural Awareness – Moving Toward Responsiveness

Cultural Humility and Responsiveness

Communication Styles – Paralanguage and Elements of Body Language

Cross-Cultural Communication Styles & Differences

Patient-Centered Communication with Limited English Proficiency Patients

Bilingual Staff versus Trained Healthcare Interpreters

Managing Effective Patient Communication through Healthcare Interpreters

Pain Expression & Management Across Cultures

Causation of Illness Across Cultures

Promoting Healthy Nutrition Across Cultures

Family Involvement Across Cultures

End-of-Life Decision Across Cultures

Alternative Medicine Vs. Western Medicine

Understanding the LGBTQ+ identity

Mental Health Across Cultures

If you are interested in setting up a presentation for your organization, contact